However, this obstacle may be ending, and the tech giant Google may be preparing a censored version of its search engine for China. For some time now, the relationship between China and the tech giant Google is not going through the best of times. With ups and downs, several attempts have been made by the tech giant Google to introduce its services in the Asian country, always bumping into the various demands of the government. There are no concessions from the US giant, the Chinese government keeps its services blocked and banned in the country with the Gran Firewall, much due to the type of content that people can find in the search engine and which Google rejects blocking. However, after several years of the iron arm, the position of the American company may change with the release of a limited version of its search engine, something that has not pleased some employees of the tech giant Google. According to The Intercept, since the spring of last year, the American giant, of course, the tech giant Google has been developing this new version, having been strengthened its development after a meeting between Sundar Pichai, of course, the tech giant Google’s CEO, and a senior official of the Chinese government in December 2017. According to the rumors, access to this new version of the search engine could be ready within 6 to 9 months and will limit research to content related to human rights, democracy, and religion. After years of the iron arm, this is a decision that is not being received in the best way by employees and the general public, since it is not limited to the censorship that the tech giant Google will compact with this new version. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.