The new report claims that Facebook deletes Mark Zuckerberg’s message from inboxes of people while you can’t do the same to yours. According to the reports from TechCrunch, an email receipt from three sources proves that the messages they received from Mark Zuckerberg have been wiped out. You read that right! messages they received from Facebook’s CEO has been wiped out from their FB inboxes, while their sent text messages still showing up. So, messages sent by Mark Zuckerberg no longer appears on the Facebook chat. If you think it was enough, then let me tell you that the chat logs don’t even appear on the downloaded copy of FB account data. When being questioned, Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t answer anything directly, however, a statement given to TechCrunch claims that it was done for corporate security purposes. Facebook said “After Sony Pictures’ emails were hacked in 2014 we made a number of changes to protect our executives’ communications. These included limiting the retention period for Mark’s messages in Messenger” Well, it’s worth to note that Mark Zuckerberg’s recent messages and old messages of the year 2014 are still visible to some users. So, it clearly hints that the removal was done selectively. However, many more sources now claiming that their’s have vanished. Whatever might be the reason, it still raises suspicion if this act was an infringement of user trust as Facebook never disclosed that they have the right to remove messages from users’ chatbox without informing the recipients privately. So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.